SLOW: Zhu Yingchun, Carlos Jiménez and Aaron Distler

china exchange, london

20.9.2016 – 24.9.2016


This joint exhibition responds to the subjects and visual systems within nature through media such as film, sculpture and the book form. Focusing on the process of conscious formation versus the pace of their actions, each artist uses the forces of nature – fire, steam, light and insects – to create their work.

The title of the exhibition “Slow”, is inspired by the sign 慢, displayed at the entrance to Zhu Yingchun’s studio in Nanjing. This sign greets visitors and reminds them to slow down and consider their environment carefully – setting the stage for discovery. Organised on the occasion of Nanjing Week and London Design Festival, the exhibition features newly commissioned works by the artists.

Curated by Fangfei Chen and Jaime Marie Davis